The Project System® WOW Page! "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
$ $ $ Know where your company is at any time!!!

See Sample Reports by pressing the Links below and to the right:

Sales Quotes, Bookings, Booking by Rep, Invoices, Backlog, with Job Cost, etc... the push of a button. Introducing the New Business Intelligence Module $795.00

This tool will help you, the business manager, see at a glance, exactly where you are for the Month,
Last Month, The Year or any other date range that you enter. This report is password protected.

We will also be adding some future enhancements to get data from external accounting systems
so that you can look at the whole picture on a single screen.

Start your "Monday Morning Sales Meetings" with more information than you may want to have.

For more information, call Dove Net Technologies and ask for Sales.